So, after losing yet another night of sleep trying to determine what it is exactly that is making my life not as happy as it should be, I came to the startling realization that I have an addiction. My drug of choice (for lack of a better term) is neither illegal nor immoral, but all the same it is something that is hurting me, and I must find a way to let it go and recover.
I looked quickly over the 12 steps that an alcoholic must take to in order to begin his/her road to recovery. While my personal addiction is far different, I believe that it just might be the right place to start. I was surprised to find that step one is not just admitting that I have an addiction, but acknowledging that I have become powerless to that addiction. Everything in me screams out in defiance of that concept. I don't want to admit that I am powerless to anything. However, in a brief inventory of myself and my life, also required in the twelve steps, I cannot deny that I continue to make choices that allow me just a little more time with my drug of choice and less time with the things and the people who are good for me.
In the vulnerability of admitting my powerlessness I find a great amount of freedom and even strength. It is as if I am now saying to my drug of choice, "You have had this hold on me that is strong and powerful and has overcome me...until this moment. I am pulling away, and I am not going to allow you to grab hold again." And with that I become the one in power of me once again.